Aug 1Liked by MadChimp

Is there not a journalist who will take up the cause to investigate Kamala’s past, including her families associations, friends and any personal causes? Anyone? This should be mandatory, but alas it’s still an open question with no answers.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Author

Remind you of obama, circa 2008? Even when it is staring you in the face, and being jammed down your throat, our grand and glorious, Constitutionally protected Free Press refuses to say the "M" (Marxist) word - - . Pathetic

PS - Or IS it obama? sure looks like his style - - -

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And of course, this will all be hidden by the MSM for the duration…

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This true about both of her parents being activist. The other I don't know. Supposedly she made a promise to her parents to fulfill her mission for the destruction of America just as Obama did

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This , madchimp, is the best summary! We the People better take heed. Seriously this is really bad .

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