
UPDATE: ICUMI - Biden apologist Sec State Blinken appeared on the National propaganda network this evening to explain that only a single arms shipment of ordnance was "delayed" and why it made perfect sense to chastise and otherwise insult Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his determined effort to secure Israel's borders - - No explanation why he has not loudly condemned Hamas for their cowardly barbarous raid, or why he has not demanded the immediate return of all hostages.

NO SALE - DOUBLE BS - Disgraceful - a blot on our National Honor

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I lived in Libya for over a decade, was there when Gaddafi took over. My feelings about the Middle East are much different than most Americans, I’m sure, having never had that experience. I will say this, I have huge respect for Israel, and not much for Islamic countries. Is Israel perfect? Is their government perfect? No, and neither is ours, as we’ve become more and more aware of. But Israel is a DAMN sight better politically than any Arab country I’ve been in, for many, many reasons…too many reasons to go into here. I believe many of those supporting Palestine and/or Hamas have zero idea of what those people believe in, or practice. There is a very good reason no one in the Arab world has opened their borders to welcome in Palestinians. They do not want the brutality and lawlessness these people bring with them. But that’s okay, we welcome them here and in Western Europe and we are beginning to see the results of their hatred to any culture other than their own! We will reap what we have sown.

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