Well, that was spot on! “I’m up to my eyes in debt, but I’ll just spend more!” Yeah, that’ll fix this! Apparently, every member of the federal government is stupider than we thought!

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I agree with you totally. I also trust GOD but HE does have consequences for our actions as well as our ancestors. Read HIS book. Listen to HIS words. HE told us how to heal our land and we just like Israel ignored what HE said. We ate in for tuff times. Due to ourselves not repenting, not putting HIM first, continuing worshiping other gods (work, sports, movies, egos, pleasures, money just to name a few), not changing, not seeking HIS face or HIS ways. The window is close to being shut. Will EACH of us change in time?

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Well, with most all who I follow say it's going to get worse, what measurement do I watch to know when this way of life will be over?

Even so, I trust in my Lord, for He is Good, faithful and omniscient.

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When the last defender of the Republic and the Constitution is in his grave, you will know the cause of self-government is in trouble, but if your faith is strong you will also know that Man's need to be free is woven into his genetic make-up, and so the cause of freedom may be suppressed, but it will never go away. When it re-emerges, it will be stronger than ever.

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