I’m in Commifornia! I was born and raised in San Fransicko-3rd generation! Formerly San FRANCISCO…

I was once proud of being a San Franciscan (born in 1963), but the Bolshevik, Communist, Marxist, tyrannical psychopaths have destroyed bits and pieces of nostalgia, for the most part!

I live very close to Soddam and Gemorrah, yet I haven’t been there in YEARS! I’m repelled by it!

I’m on my way out the door of California, and I cannot wait to start another chapter of my life around “normal” people!

P.S. SF “fired” me for non-CONvid compliance 3 years ago…what a gift from God! ✝️🎯👏🥳

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The sane portion of the population shares your pain, Renee. I hope your CONvid resistance saved you from ingesting ISD (Immunity System Destroyer) and the horrors of mRNA. My brother’s wife has been bravely battling its’ effects for three years, and is just beginning to get some encouragement in her fight to stay alive as new treatments are developed to rid her of spike-protein poisoning. Her career as a RN is well over, and she knows she will never completely recover.

I began writing “Sane HALF of the population - - “ but believe far more than half of US Citizens understand they have been betrayed by their government. The hopelessly corrupt propaganda machine posing as the MSM, and equally corrupt election apparatus makes it impossible to know. Keep writing. If you have children, keep them safe from the lies and mutilators who are trying to destroy us. Most importantly take your credo from our Marines; “Semper Fidelis” Always Faithful, or “Keep Faith” (either translation works)

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by MadChimp

May God’s mighty angels be with your sister-in-law. God and His angels ARE with her, as they are with me….and all of us! The utter power of God, and miracles are indescribable-(Grace). I prayed before work, for strength to not comply, strength to do what was necessary for me. I never thought it would get this far. I thought reasonable heads would prevail.

May God’s Mercy, and God’s unconditional Love be with your sister-in-law, and with you! Amen

Semper Fi! ✝️

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Thank you, Renee. I too am a refugee from Biden's America but to a lesser degree than you - - . Texas continues to be a stronghold of Constitutional law and 2nd Amendment rights, but our major cities are succumbing to a concentrated attack of "wokeism". Houston, Dallas and San Antonio all have their "Encampments" and the crime that comes with them but they haven't started using the sidewalks for toilets (not yet, anyway).

30+ years ago I bought a small farm about 150 miles north of Houston (where I worked at the time). Very rural and peaceful, with plenty of trees. The sounds of 'rubber on tarmac' and sirens all night were replaced with chirping tree frogs, and an occasional coyote howling.

4 years ago we sold our house in Corpus Christi, used the proceeds to upgrade the old farmhouse, and moved here full time - - . Adults are addressed as "Sir" and "Mam" by teenagers, who also hold doors open for those with grey hair, and attend church every Sunday. It is what I imagine Bakersfield, circa 1957.

Our nearest "City" is Palestine Pop 18,500, median household income $43,000, Largest retail store - WalMart. Most popular entertainment - High School Baseball & Football. This is MAGA Country.

Not for everyone, but suits us just fine. Keep it in mind when you make you 'jump'.


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